Elkhart, Indiana 2 Meter VHF Repeater 145.430- PL tone 141.3 @ 360'
The 145.430 with alternate 146.640 repeater supports, SKYWARN, ARES-RACES, Elkhart Red Cross, and Elkhart County Emergency Management.
The 5.43 has been a significant part of Elkhart County for many years, thanks to all the service ECRA and its members have provided. Thanks to the ECRA and the Moore family at WFRN for allowing K9DEW to continue servicing the area, it will remain a large part of amateur radio in our community.
It has Roll Call and announcements for SkyWarn and ARES-RACES. This net is on Monday nights at 7:30 p.m.
Note: All conversations are recorded and saved.
Elkhart, Indiana 220 VHF Repeater 224.900- PL tone 131.8 @ 390'
The 220 repeater shares a very similar history as the 5.43 repeater. It also covers a wide area and provides benefits located between the 2M and 70CM spectrum. Many would agree 220 is unique and underestimated for its characteristics. Hopefully, in the future, this repeater will provide very interesting functions allowing repeater linking and VoIP.
Elkhart, Indiana 70cm UHF DMR Repeater 444.050+ CC1 @ 320'